What is APSR?
APSR is a network testing tool, designed to send and receive arbitrary network packets.
It can be used to test firewalls, routing, security and many other things. The project is splitted in two main programs, apsend to create packets and aprecv to sniff packets.
The main goal of the APSR project is to develop a high quality network testing tool.
You say apsend - I heared something about it in the past?!
The perl version of apsend has been in development since 1999, but we decided to rewrite the APSR project completely in C.
Some of the reasons were portability, stability and extensibility. There's no support for the perl version of apsend anymore.
Where can I get the free APSR version?
You can get the free (for non commercial use) version of the APSR project
at our download site. The source code is under
the AOSL (APSR open source license). If you download the
source code you accept the AOSL license.
Please contact us via mail at sales@aa-security.de
if you're interested in the commercial APSR version.
We have 2 screenshots of a running aprecv and a running apsrserver.
APSR es una herramienta de test de red que realiza envíos y recpciones de paquetes de forma arbitraria. Puede ser útil con Firewalls, Routers, para verificaciones de seguridad u otros usos. El proyecto se compone de dos programas que producen paquetes apsend y reciben e interpretan paquetes aprecv. La aplicación implementa un API sencillo que permite escribir módulos propios en Perl, Ruby, C o PCL.
APSR ist eine Protokoll-Analyse Suite, die das Auslesen und Absenden von Paketen aus verschiedenen Protokollfamilien ermöglicht. Sie kann dazu benutzt werden, um Stacks oder Firewalls zu testen und Performance-Analysen im Netzwerk durchzuführen. Das Projekt ist in zwei Hauptprogramme aufgeteilt, apsend um Pakete zu erzeugen und aprecv um diese zu empfangen/abzufangen. Die Applikationsebene ist mit Hilfe von Modulen implementiert, die eine einfache API benutzen. Module können in Perl, Ruby, C oder der APSR eigenen PCL geschrieben werden.
We'd like to thank linux.bankhacker.com and Apps4Linux.org for translations and direct links to our website.